Do you see yourself as a disciple of Christ? Would you describe yourself as a disciple or follower of Christ? Do you think being a disciple is different from being a Christian?
We need to create a disciple making culture in Berean. Where we each see ourselves as a disciple that makes disciples. Disciple making must become part of each believer’s DNA, which will then make it part of our corporate DNA. We understand Christ gave us a commission to make disciples, and we are all about what He told us to do.
Berean is His church. He is our Lord. And He has given us our mission and vision. We love Him, adore Him, desire to please Him, and want to fulfill the mandate He gave us. Therefore, all we do revolves around proclaiming Christ and Him crucified, so that disciples can be made. Berean’s men and women must examine how we create a personal, relational disciple making culture.
With this in mind, Mike and I are planning a disciple making seminar to articulate the vision and communicate what this looks like. What does it mean to be a disciple maker (DM)? What does that look like? How does it work its way into our church? How does it become so organic to who we are that it would not change from leader to leader?
What does a DM do in the life of another disciple? The obvious answer is that he or she helps the disciple grow as a disciple to the point that he or she becomes a disciple maker themselves. But while doing that, a DM should be open for the Holy Spirit to use the other disciple to help them to grow in Christlikeness. The context then for this disciple making relationship is two-fold. 1) It is the Word of God, and 2) it is the local church (relationship within the flock). If either is neglected or ignored, it will not be as effective or nonexistent. The DM is helping the other disciple become a self-feeder of the Word of God. That is to say, they are growing in their ability to read the Bible for understanding and application, resulting in Christlike transformation. And 2) full participation in the local church is part of disciple making. The church is Christ’s church—disciples of Christ are members of Christ’s church. Full stop. Christ bought it with His own blood. He is the head of the church. If He is my Lord, I am in His church. DM’s help other disciples take full advantage of the benefit the local church brings into the personal relationship with Christ.
Think of the local church gathered as a bunch of people at a gym. All are there to work and grow in strength and endurance. Your DM is your personal trainer. She is the one person who knows if you are at the gym or absent. He is the person that is there to make your time at the gym more effective. She calls you out for slacking. And you want the personal trainer to do just that. Berean gives every believer five different opportunities to grow as a disciple of Christ. Sunday morning sermons, Sunday night lessons, Sunday school communities of believers, Wednesday study groups, and micro groups.
So, the DM comes alongside a disciple and helps make their participation in these opportunities more efficacious. That is to say, more effective, profitable, edifying, productive, etc. The DM asks questions and is ready to answer questions. Questions like: What was your takeaway from…? Did you understand the point the elder was making from v. 14? How are you going to apply what you heard to your life? Questions like: what are you reading from the Word of God? How often are you able to dig in? And on and on.
Please pray for Berean in this regard. This is not an idea to try for a year or a theme for a season. This is the only way forward for Berean to be the church Christ is calling us to be.