Berean Baptist Church > Membership


Everyone is welcome to attend Berean and participate in the services, Bible studies and fellowship activities without regard to whether or not they are members. For those seeking to become a part of the voting membership, the church’s requirements are listed below. These requirements are not intended to appear judgmental but are necessary, prudent precautions to preserve the integrity of the ministry. Only church members can serve in positions of leadership, oversight, and instruction for the protection of the ministry. Anyone can attend our worship services and all who seek to know our Lord and Savior Jesus are welcome.


Candidates for adult membership will:

  • Give evidence of a genuine experience of regeneration through faith in and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior;
  • Be baptized by immersion after being born-again;
  • Read our church covenant (see the covenant),
    • Do you have the freedom to agree to share in this covenant with us?
  • Read through our Articles of Faith and Constitution,
    • Can you wholeheartedly support the doctrinal positions of the church in word and deed?
    • Will you be faithful to the church?
  • Complete a membership class (First Class) before they will be considered by the church for membership.
  • Be interviewed by a pastor.

Church membership is approved by a majority vote of the congregation during regularly scheduled members meetings. Candidates are notified in writing when their membership has been approved by the church. In order to facilitate the interview and application process, BBC uses a simple questionnaire (pdf/100kb) to guide applicants through becoming part of the church.

Follow these steps to become an adult member of the church: Membership Steps (pdf/100kb).

Candidates must meet the constitutional requirements for church membership and complete BBC’s membership class before they will be presented before the church by the pastor.



Potential members should thoroughly review the BBC Covenant, Articles of Faith, and Constitution before they present themselves as members; students may unite with the church as student members, provided Christ is their Savior and they have been baptized.


First Class

Click Here to learn more about First Class.