Mission and Vision

Berean Baptist Church > Mission and Vision


The mission of Berean Baptist Church is to proclaim Christ to make disciples who make disciples* (Mat 28:18-20, Acts 8:5, 17:3, 28:23, 1Co 1:23, 2:2, Col 1:27-29).

A disciple** of Christ has been born again (Tit 3:5), and as a new creation (2Co 5:17), is being transformed (2Co 3:18) by the Holy Spirit to think, be, do, and proclaim like their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2Pe 1:11) in their daily life (Mat 16:24, Luke 6:40, John 3:3-8, 10:27, Rom 8:29, 1Co 11:1).

Thinking Christ Think: Process one’s thoughts and attitudes as Jesus would by having the mind of Christ (1Co 2:14-16).
Being Be: The very essence of one’s person, having a new heart, a core, that Jesus is changing to be like Him (Eze 36:26, 1Pe 2:4-5).
Doing Do: The actions one takes daily, as they live on mission alongside Jesus being doers of the Word (1Co 11:1, Jam 1:23-25).
Proclaiming Proclaim: The words one declares in speech or writing honor Jesus and align with the truth of the Bible (2Co 8:7, Col 4:6).

*Making disciples happens as followers of Christ (Mat 4:19-20) personally and relationally invest in others through the leadership of the Holy Spirit to help individuals believe the gospel and grow as disciples who become disciples who make disciples (2Ti 2:1-2).

**BBC believes the New Testament does not distinguish between being a believer, follower, disciple, convert, or Christian. All believers are disciples who must follow Jesus, their Lord, in the New Covenant (2Co 3:6).


Our vision is to carry out the Great Commission (Mat 28:18-20, Mark 16:15) of our Lord Jesus (1Co 3:11) in Fayetteville, Fort Liberty, the surrounding communities, and globally (Acts 1:8) as we, His disciples, love God and love others (Mat 22:37-40), grow in Christlikeness, follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14), and worship the Triune God (John 4:24) in how we think, be, do, (Rom 12:1-2) and proclaim to the advancement of the kingdom of God (Acts 8:12, 28:31, Rom 14:17, Col 4:11, Rev 1:6).

Core Values

God-glorifying: We were created to bring glory to God. Everything we do as individuals and as a church must bring glory to God. When it does not, we must repent (Mat 5:16, John 15:8, 1Co 10:31).

Love: Love for God and others is the single greatest way disciples show they are followers of Christ (Matt 22:37- 40, John 13:35, 1Co 13:4-8, Rom 13:9, Jam 2:8, 1Jo 5:2).

Christlike: Every member of the church must make it their priority to imitate Christ in their thinking, being, doing, and proclaiming 24/7. This is God’s will for all believers (Rom 8:29). When they do not, disciples experience conviction and must repent (Heb 12:6).

Biblically Grounded: The Bible is the Word of God (2Ti 4:2, Heb 4:12); we are Bereans (Acts 17:11); the Scripture alone determines our doctrine, theology, practice, and what is and is not God-glorifying, loving, and Christlike (2Ti 3:16, 2Pe 1:21). See our article of faith on the Bible.

Unity: Maintaining unity in Berean is of utmost importance unless maintaining unity conflicts with following Christ or aligning ourselves with what the Bible reveals to be truth (John 17, 1Co 1:10, Eph 4:3,13, Gal 6:1). We are commanded to live in harmony with one another (Ps 133:1, Rom 12:16, 15:5, Titus 3:10-11).