Click below to register your children for VBS
Tuesday, June 18 – Friday, June 21, 2024
8:30a-12:30p each day
What Ages?
All students
Age 5 yr – 6th grade
We need help!
Students in 7th grade and up are welcome to serve.
Here are the shirt colors of the day. Be sure to wear the correct color to earn points for your team.
Friday’s shirt will be on sale this sunday between services and during the week at vbs.
Help your child get ready for worship!
Learn the songs and the hand motions before they arrive!
VBS Offering
Each year, the students and workers of VBS take an offering to help with missions. In the past, the money raised has gone to help missions teams visit our missionaries or help with different projects our missionaries across the world have undertaken, or to be a blessing to a missions organization.
In 2023, we were able to raise $1,993 for the Perez family in Sabadell, Spain.
This year our offering will be going toward the Takuji Yamazaki family, a national pastor, and missionary in Japan. Check out their mission field here.
A Note From the Director
At Berean, we do things very intentionally, and Vacation Bible School is one such example. It is our desire to use VBS as a mechanism for discipleship and evangelism. Children are taught the Word of God, and those truths are reinforced throughout the day. Games, crafts, snacks, etc. are just a few ways in which we communicate God’s truth. Berean does its best to keep children safe, from campus security to food allergies. All adult workers (18+) are required to fill out background checks, and all minors must be approved by the director. We trust your child will learn more about God as a result of their time with us. Please join us in praying that children and workers are drawn closer to God through this exciting week!
In Christ,