Your wedding is one of the most joyous occasions of your life, and we are delighted to be a part of it. We want to provide you with a ceremony which will be meaningful and memorable. The wedding ceremony is a worship service and should be one of reverence, sacred joy, and beauty. Marriage is a covenant between a man and woman who are called, before God, to live out their lives of discipleship together.

Throughout its history, the Christian community has understood that marriage is ordained by God, and has encouraged its members to seal their marriage vows in a service of worship. It is our intent to maintain an atmosphere in keeping with this Biblical understanding, an intent which is reflected in this document. We hope you have carefully considered the place of Christ in your married life, and will approach this ceremony with us seriously and with reverence. Marriage is a holy estate and should not be entered unadvisedly or lightly.

The purpose of this webpage is to provide you with resources and our wedding policies.

At Berean Baptist, we take our involvement in your wedding very seriously. We hope the following information will make this memorable event flow smoothly and be as positive and meaningful as possible.



The bride, groom or either of their respective parents must be members in good standing of Berean Baptist Church in order to use the church facilities; members in good standing are those members who faithfully attend the corporate worship services on the church. By exception, faithful members of like-minded Baptist churches may use the facilities when requested by their pastor. The Senior Pastor will approve these exceptions. In those cases, the wedding party must adhere to Berean Baptist’s Wedding Policies. All parties must be in agreement with the Berean Baptist Church Articles of Faith.


The Coordinator

One of Berean’s Wedding Coordinators must be used for all weddings. Please call the church office at (910) 868-5156 to set up an appointment.


The Pastor

Only members of Berean’s pastoral staff may perform weddings on the church campus. Exceptions may be made for local pastors in close association with BBC in doctrine and fellowship as approved by the Senior Pastor.


Pre-Marital Counseling

Couples must receive pre-marital counseling before they can be married by a Berean pastor. Those intending to be married must contact the officiating pastor to arrange for counseling no less than eight weeks before their wedding date.



A tentative date and time of the wedding ceremony and rehearsal need to be placed on the church calendar. A confirmed date cannot be set until it is confirmed with the pastor performing the ceremony and the Wedding Reservation Form is returned to the church secretary with a $50.00 (non-refundable) deposit.



All fees must be paid at least two weeks prior to your wedding. Checks should be made payable to Berean Baptist Church. The fees will then be distributed to the individuals performing the services, as listed on the Wedding Fees sheet, the night of the rehearsal. Anyone that you secure to sing, play an instrument (other than the church accompanists), or perform any paid duties, needs to be paid directly by you. Be sure this is done on the night of the rehearsal. Please do not ask for fees to be waived.



The music to be used in the ceremony should be that which honors God, and for that reason most secular music is not appropriate. The Worship Pastor may approve special wedding songs and some love songs. It is your responsibility to contact the Worship Pastor to get the music selections approved. We prefer that you do not use CDs or outside music. In the event you choose to do so, all music selections must be approved.


Alcoholic Beverages

No alcoholic beverages can be served on the church premises at anytime. No wedding or rehearsal will be conducted when any member of the wedding party or guest present is under the influence of alcohol. NO wedding will be conducted if alcoholic beverages are served at either the rehearsal dinner or wedding reception, even if held away from the church. If a toast is to be made, use only the punch that is served at the wedding. Please refrain from using anything that resembles alcohol (i.e. the use of nonalcoholic beverage that resembles champagne or wine.) It is your responsibility to make sure none of this occurs.


Marriage License

The marriage license must be turned in to the wedding director at least one week prior to the wedding. The application must be purchased from the Cumberland County Register of Deeds before the wedding can be conducted. Click here for more information about marriage licenses with the Cumberland County Register of Deeds.


Resources (pdf downloads)