Christ‑Centered and Bible‑Focused
If you are looking for a Christ-centered and Bible-focused church in Fayetteville, NC (Ft. Liberty), then you have found the right place. We center ourselves on Christ through the expositional/exegetical preaching and teaching of God’s Word with personal life application. For those looking for a purpose-driven, seeker-sensitive, emergent church, or one connected to a particular convention, we are not what you are looking for. Our goal is to proclaim Jesus and make disciples.
Berean’s worship services have a thoughtful balance of music with a blend of conservative, semi-contemporary songs, along with new and traditional hymns. Our 8:30am service lasts about 65 minutes while the 10:45am service lasts about 80 minutes. In each service you can expect worshipful congregational singing, the reading of a Psalm, and a time of prayer. Pastor Sean, or one of the other pastors will normally have a 40 to 45 minute message from God’s Word, while our children attend Power Hour where they will receive an age appropriate Bible message. Just so you know, when you come on a Sunday morning, you will find people that come in their “Sunday best” and others who are dressed more casually, but no matter what is on the outside, their heart is about loving God and their neighbor.
We would love to have you join us, whether you come by yourself, with friends, or with the whole family. Just grab your Bible and come worship God with the Berean family.
Standard Service Times
8:15 AM Prayer Meeting
8:30 AM Worship & Preaching
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship & Preaching
5:00 PM Worship & Teaching
6:30 PM Youth Group
6:30 PM Wednesday Study Groups
Learn More About Us Before You Attend

What We Believe
Identity is very important in life. What we believe provides us a foundation for our identity.

We intentionally create opportunities for equipping and serving whether through our Sunday morning and evening services, Sunday School, Wednesday Study Groups, etc.

Children & Youth
We strive to provide a safe and godly environment for your family to help you disciple them.

The Calendar
You can find out everything that is going on within the Berean family. Feel free to add the BBC Google calendar to your calendar.

Berean Baptist Academy
Providing Christian education from 3 years to high school.