Berean Baptist Church > Blog > The Binding of Satan

Since I do not believe in a distinct future 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth before the new heaven and new earth, I am often asked: Do I believe Satan is presently bound? This question comes from Revelation 20:1-8 where Satan is bound for 1000 years and then released to deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth. Let me share with you what I believe as succinctly as I can.

  • In Mark 3:27 (and Matthew and Luke), Jesus says, “No one can enter a strong man’s [Satan’s] house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.” I think this is Jesus telling us that He is going to bind Satan so that the Apostles and the church can plunder Satan’s house. The Greek word for bind in Mark 3 is the same as Revelation 20:3. Are we presently plundering the strong man’s house now, or will the millennial kingdom be a time when the strong man’s house is being plundered? I say it is happening now. Why would Jesus say such a thing if it has no relevance? Souls being saved in this present age is the plunder.
  • The binding is limited to just what the text says and nothing more. Revelation 20:3 says Satan is bound “so that he would no longer deceive the nations [Gentiles].” This means he can simultaneously be bound and described as a roaring lion. He can sift, hinder, devour, etc., but he cannot deceive entire nations. God has limited his ability to do that. Satan did that before the cross but not after.
  • Christ gave the church the mission of making disciples in all nations—which is precisely why Satan is bound in his ability to deceive the nations. Suppose you believe in a future millennial kingdom. In that case, you believe the kingdom begins after 1) the fullness of the Gentiles [nations] is complete and 2) promises are being fulfilled to Israel. Why would you bind Satan after you have completed the mission to the nations? We need him bound now if we are responsible for taking the gospel to the nations now—not later.
  • Revelation 20:8 states that when Satan is released at the end of the 1000 years, he will go out to deceive the nations. The 1000 years is a figurative description of the extended time between the cross and the Tribulation. In Matthew 24:24, Jesus said the deception would be so intense during the final tribulation on the earth that were it possible (praise God, it is not possible), even the elect would be deceived (lead astray). The word “deceive” here is the same Greek word deceive in Revelation 20:3 and 8.
  • The battle of Gog and Magog is not separate from the battle of Armageddon. A comparison of Revelation 16, 19-20 and Ezekiel 38-39 will reveal how identical the language is between the two books. By the way, will you be disappointed if there isn’t another global war after the first one in Revelation? The battle of Gog and Magog occurs at the end of the tribulation, not a future 1000-year kingdom. After this battle comes the Day of the Lord and then the Age to Come.
  • On the cross, Jesus sustained a heel injury (he died) from Satan in fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 promise. The offspring of the woman, namely Jesus, had his heel bruised or crushed, but what did Satan receive? Nothing? Of course he did, I believe the head injury was that the devil could no longer deceive the nations scattered in Genesis 11. In the OT, entire nations were wholly given over to idolatry. Today, we see the gospel penetrating ethnicities all over the globe.
  • What is hindering the manifestation of the man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2:3? Verse 9 says, “The coming of the lawless one is based on Satan’s working,” and verse 10 states, “and with every wicked deception.” Satan is not able to introduce the Antichrist (the beast or man of sin) and the false prophet into the world until the binding to prevent deception has been lifted. Paul writes, “And you know what is currently restraining him [the man of sin]” (v. 6). I think Paul is referring to the binding of Satan. When Satan is released from his prison, he will do what he has done from the beginning—he will attempt again to deceive humanity through someone claiming to be God—the Messiah.


For me, it makes sense, but I understand if it doesn’t for you. I know many say that “1000” years is 1000, not a very long time. Ok. I ask you just to be consistent. Take the time to follow the number 7 through Revelation and decide if being literal is the right way of interpreting “seven” in Revelation.