Available recordings are linked below each workshop speaker’s description below.
See you next year!
Save the date – Saturday, September 16, 2023
Walking as Women of Distinction – Romans 12
with Bonnie Silcox
What should be our response to the Good News? Romans 12 shows us how to live life reflecting God’s abundant goodness and undeserved mercy.
We will be conducting a donation drive of children’s comfort and snack items for the Salvation Army
- comfort items for children – blankets, stuffed animals and small toys
- snack items – pretzels, cheese crackers, snack bars, raisins, applesauce, etc
- canned food – mandarin oranges, corn, beans, etc
(Subject to change)
- 08:30a-09:00a – Check-in
- 09:00a-09:10a – Opening/Welcome
- 09:10a-09:30a – WORSHIP
- 09:30a-10:30a – KEYNOTE ADDRESS
- 10:30a-10:45a – Transition to Workshop 1
- 10:45a-11:45a – WORKSHOP 1
- 11:45a-12:45p – LUNCH
- 12:45p-01:00p – Transtion to Workshop 2
- 01:00p-02:00p – WORKSHOP 2
- 02:00p-02:15p – Transition to Workshop 3
- 02:15p-03:15p – WORKSHOP 3
- 03:15p-03:30p – Break
- 03:30p-04:00p – Wrap-up

See last year’s picture gallery below!
(Please select one workshop title from each session)
Workshop Session 1

Caring for a Loved One
(with Channing Delgatti)
One of our own registered nurses provides practical advice on caring for your aging, ill, or disabled family member. This workshop is a mini-course on the physical, emotional, and logistical aspects of caregiving. Then join in on a discussion about caregiver burnout.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

“Fight the Good Fight”: Reclaiming a Cultural Cliché
(with René Bahrenfuss)
We hear the phrase everywhere, but what does it really mean to “fight the good fight”? Using 1 Timothy and Romans 12, we’ll explore a Biblical understanding to help reclaim this stolen word of God.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Getting Past What You Can't Get Over
(with Amanda Boyd)
A workshop to encourage us to face our brokenness and to begin a journey toward freedom and joy.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Navigating Blue Letter Bible
(with Abbie Knox)
Blue Letter Bible is an incredible and free resource to help you study the Bible. Join us as we uncover all that BLB has to offer on both the PC and mobile versions. You’ll gain an understanding of this helpful tool to study the Word of God in depth.
No recording available
Workshop Session 2

Being a Living Sacrifice
(with Diana Turner)
Diving deeper into Romans 12:1-2, come and learn what it means to be a living sacrifice in different stages and circumstances of life.
No recording available at this time

Is Jesus God?
(with Kelly Lambert)
The Jews say he was a wise teacher. The Mormons believe he was crucified. The Muslims agree he ascended to heaven. Even the demons believe in God and tremble. Who do you say Jesus is?
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Safeguarding your Marriage
(Panel Discussion moderated by Michelle Baughan)
The institution of marriage is beautiful but challenging. Four wives in various stages of life will answer questions submitted prior to the conference regarding tips to protect your marriage from many of the common pitfalls.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Walking in Faith: A Practical Discussion
(with Jan Scott)
The Bible assures us that our Christian walk will include trials. Some will be minor. Some will be life-altering. But we are encouraged to cling to God’s promises. We are told to “walk in faith”. In this session we will explore some practical examples of what that looks like and how we can let our faith help us overcome fear, anxiety, and insecurities.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!
Workshop Session3

Cooking Under Pressure: Mastering the InstaPot
(with Angel Allen)
Do you own an instant pot? Do you use it often or is it an intimidating appliance stashed away in the cabinet? Let’s break down the mystery of this wonderful tool! Join me for an hour of laughter and great recipes to simplify the daunting task of making family meals.
No recording available

Find Your Place at Berean
(with Pam Recod)
Berean may be a big church, but it shouldn’t feel that way! We want you to become connected and feel at home. If you’ve been at Berean less than a year OR if you’re just looking to build community and find service opportunities this is the workshop for you. We will tour the campus and explore the various outlets for service, growth and fellowship especially for women.
No recording available

Gardening with Jackie
(with Jackie Frank )
Come and learn some basics for having a backyard vegetable garden. We will talk about soil, when to plant what, companion planting, and more. Bring your questions and I will do my best to answer them.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Homeschooling for Beginners
(with Kelly Coaty)
What does homeschooling actually look like? Am I really qualified to homeschool my child? (The answer is most definitely yes!) Come learn about the different aspects of homeschooling and how to confidently start homeschooling your child this year!
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!

Honoring God with Your Finances
(with Joanna Warren)
This workshop is designed to present a Biblical overview of financial stewardship. We will discuss the fundamentals of budgeting and practical economic ideas while applying Biblical principles and priorities that will help us form a distinct, God-honoring perspective on the way we use our money. Whether you have little or much, you can learn to walk as a faithful steward.
Click HERE to listen to the audio recording!
Plan to join us again next year! Tell your friends!
Save the date for Saturday, September 16, 2023!
Past conferences
2021 Embracing Biblical Womanhood Conference
Unworthy, Yet Worthy
Our 4th annual fall conference was held on Saturday, September 18th, 2021. What a wonderful, God-glorifying day! Our keynote speaker, Amanda Boyd, spoke to us on the topic of “Unworthy, Yet Worthy”. We each participated in 2 workshops. There were 10 workshops to choose from ranging from practical topics like “Discover Your Organizing Style” to spiritual topics like “Then Comes the Mourning: Maneuvering through the Grief Process”. The food and fellowship was fabulous. The day ended with a video compiled of testimonies from ladies in our church who have been made worthy through Christ.
If you weren’t able to attend, we missed you. Please mark your calendar now to attend the 5th Annual conference on Saturday, September 17, 2022
Click here to view the keynote address
Click here to download slides from keynote address